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PIC18F13K50 shows up as a PIC24FJ256DA110 - Printable Version

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PIC18F13K50 shows up as a PIC24FJ256DA110 - dboechler - 2013-10-10

Update: Scope shows 12mhz on CLKOUT..

Trying to get the bootloader to work on a PIC18F13K50.. Oscillator is 12 mhz and PLL 4x is OFF. (at this point) TX Port on the 13K50 is RB7 and RX is RB5. Code compiles and uploads fine. Program memory shows GOTO 0X1dc0 at 0000. Have a 10k pullup on reset and button to ground

So far..

processor 18F13K50
#define OSCF 12000000
#define BLINIT 2000
#define HELLOTRIES 2
#define BLTIME 2000
#define USE_UART1 1
#define BAUDRATE 57600
#define USE_BRG16 1
#define USE_TXENABLE 1
#define TXE_DELAY 10
#define LATB_TXE RB7
config XINST = OFF ;Disabled
config FOSC = HS ;XT oscillator
config PLLEN = OFF ;Enabled
config FCMEN = OFF ;Disabled
config IESO = OFF ;Disabled
config PWRTEN = OFF ;Disabled
config BOREN = OFF ;Brown Out Detect
config WDTEN = OFF
config WDTPS = 32768 ;1:32768
config MCLRE = ON ;MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled
config STVREN = ON ;Stack Overflow

movlw b'00000000' ;xxx disable
movwf ADCON0 ;xxx analog on tx/rx

Bus Pirate shows activity hits the RX pin from the ds30loaderconsole, so activity is hitting the processor with:

ds30loaderconsole -f=blink.HEX -d=PIC18F13K50 -k=com10 -r=57600 -l -p

but I get this:
Initiating write...
Creating port: com10
Opening port com10@57600
Searching for bl . . . . . . . . . (discarded null byte) (discarded null byt
. . . . . . . . response timed out
Found PIC24FJ256DA110
Firmware version timed out
Closing port
Tx 26 bytes / Rx 5 bytes / 13.7s
Write failed

1) Why does it say PCI24FJ256DA110? (Hey if I can upgrade a 13K50 to a 24FJ with this program I AM ALL IN)

2) I have tried 9600, 19200, 57600 all of which should be close to zero error based on USE_BRG16. At least at 12mhz.

3) Tried 48mhz 12+PLLEN and 12mhz-PLLEN

Any thoughts?

RE: PIC18F13K50 shows up as a PIC24FJ256DA110 - Mikael Gustavsson - 2013-10-13

Please zip the boot loader MPLAB IDE project and post it here.

RE: PIC18F13K50 shows up as a PIC24FJ256DA110 - dboechler - 2013-10-13

(2013-10-13, 14:48:41)Mikael Gustavsson Wrote: Hi,
Please zip the boot loader MPLAB IDE project and post it here.

In waiting I switched to a PIC18F2550 and it worked. Either the 13K50 is faulty or it is a problem child of Microchip. I seem to find the latter and have given up on that processor.. Wish there was a top ten listing of Microchip processors.. Besides the 16F877a

Thanks for responding.

RE: PIC18F13K50 shows up as a PIC24FJ256DA110 - Mikael Gustavsson - 2013-10-14

For PIC18F13K50:
TX pin is RB7. It's a digital only i/o, there should be no need for any setup.
RX pin is RB5. It's an analog/digital i/o. At least the following setup is required:

RE: PIC18F13K50 shows up as a PIC24FJ256DA110 - dboechler - 2013-10-15

(2013-10-14, 14:57:17)Mikael Gustavsson Wrote: For PIC18F13K50:
TX pin is RB7. It's a digital only i/o, there should be no need for any setup.
RX pin is RB5. It's an analog/digital i/o. At least the following setup is required:

Thanks. Next moment I get I will give it a try.