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ds30loaderconsole without manual reset on MCU [solved]
I have successfully load the hex file in the dsPIC33FJ256GP710 by using ds30loaderconsole under my linux host by issue following command
[abc@local]$ mono ds30loaderconsole.exe --resettime=5000 -p -f=appl.hex --device=dspic33fj256gp710 --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate=115200 -l

But I have to manually reset power on my MCU board while issue the command to detect the bootloader

Q: Is there any command option to reset my MCU with out hard reset manually. I have notice the command option -q=cmd ( --reset-command=cmd ) and in example use "-q=a;b". Could anyone give more details or any advice
There are three supported ways of doing reset from ds30 Loader. Hardware reset (MCLR) using dtr or rts and software reset using a command on UART or CAN. It's up to your application to accept a reset command and perform the necessary steps to restart the controller. How do you use the UART in your application? Do you have any protocol implemented or do you only use the UART for boot loading?
(2011-03-22, 21:09:50)Mikael Gustafsson Wrote: Hi,
There are three supported ways of doing reset from ds30 Loader. Hardware reset (MCLR) using dtr or rts and software reset using a command on UART or CAN. It's up to your application to accept a reset command and perform the necessary steps to restart the controller. How do you use the UART in your application? Do you have any protocol implemented or do you only use the UART for boot loading?

Thank you for your reply.
I have my MCU dsPIC remotely located. To control the MCU, I have wavecom GSM modem connect to MCU UART. Then I form a protocol for communication frame format to send and receive for get/set MCU I/O.

1. By your hint, without using DTR/RTS, I have to write my application to detect the data which can be defined for command reset in frame (send/receive) then call function reset in PIC with "asm(reset)"
2. How can I use "-q=a;b" as in example ? "a;b" means I just write my application detect "a;b" then call function "asm(reset)".

If anyone use -q option, your advice is precious
A1: Yes something like that
A2: see the gui manual for syntax of the reset command

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