Hi, i tried use the second UART of the PIC16F1947 for the ds30loader, but i cant do it, because a error on the compilation appears, where tell me, that PIC no have second UART, i am sure of that PIC have second UART because I use it (the second UART) with no problems.
the error is: UART.INC 71 : ERROR: (UART2 specified for a device that only has uart1)
I configure the parameters of the communication, baud rate, device, FOSC, configuration bits, etc etc, and I used it with no problems in another chips, PIC16F1933,PIC16F1936,PIC16F1938
Hi Mikael, i tried to use the second uart with the new file of devices PIC16F.inc, but not work, I test every baud rate possible, but not work.
Any suggestion??.
the process of compiling finish all good, so, i dont have any error in that part. the process of burn the PIC it's ok, the UART 2 it's ok, i test a simple program and work the uart 2