2012-09-19, 13:37:40
(This post was last modified: 2012-12-25, 17:13:54 by Mikael Gustavsson.)
Hi All,
This product looks just the thing BUT i cannot get it to work
Something im doing wrong im sure. The problem is the BL is not found when i click write and do a reset manually on the PIC.
DS30 version 1.5.3 (engine 2.2.7) with all the check boxes in advanced unchecked and all other settings at default.
My PIC application osc config with 4mhz crystal
PLLDIV = 1 ;Divide by 1 (4 MHz oscillator input)
CPUDIV = OSC4_PLL6 ;System clock divide 6
FOSC = HSPLL ;HS oscillator, PLL enabled
My app is compiled with pic basic pro 2.6 and DEFINE LOADER_USED 1 at the top of the code.
My serial comms on the app works OK so no hardware problems there.
I have made no changes to user_code.inc or any other file.
I build the bootloader .hex in MPLAB 8.86 and the file builds OK
Here is my DS30 settings.inc
; Device
processor 18F85J50 ;xxx
; Includes
#include "devices.inc"
; User preferences
radix DEC
#define OSCF 8000000 ;xxx oscillator frequency (including pll)
#define BLINIT 2000 ;xxx hello receive timeout [ms]
#define HELLOTRIES 2 ;xxx number of non hello characters received before branching to the user application
#define BLTIME 2000 ;xxx data receive timeout [ms]
; UART settings
#define USE_UART1 1 ;xxx uncomment to use uart1
;#define USE_UART2 1 ;xxx uncomment to use uart2
#define BAUDRATE 19200 ;xxx baudrate
;#define USE_ABAUD 1 ;xxx uncomment to use auto baud rate detection, READ ERRATA FIRST
;#define USE_BRG16 1 ;xxx uncomment to use 16-bit brg
;#define USE_TXENABLE 1 ;xxx uncomment to use a tx enable pin
#define TXE_DELAY 10 ;xxx time in us to wait before transmitting after pulling the tx enable pin high
#define TRISR_TXE TRISD ;xxx tris register containing tx enable
#define LATR_TXE LATD ;xxx port register containing tx enable
#define TRISB_TXE TRISD0 ;xxx tris bit for tx enable
#define LATB_TXE RD0 ;xxx port bit for tx enable
; Advanced settings
;#define KICK_WD 1 ;xxx uncomment to kick the wd in the rx loop, only enable if the watchdog is enabled
#define PROT_GOTO 1 ;xxx protect goto at 0x00
#define PROT_BL 1 ;xxx protect bootloader
#define WRITE_VER 1 ;do flash write verification
#define EWRITE_VER 1 ;do eeprom write verification
ifdef IS_PIC18F
#define BLPLP 9 ;bootloader placement, pages from end
#define BLSIZEP 9 ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
ifdef IS_PIC18FJ
#define BLPLP 2 ;bootloader placement, pages from end
#define BLSIZEP 1 ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
; Configuration bits, these macros can be found at the end of the inc-files located in
; C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\
; These can also be set in MPLAB IDE instead, they are found in Configure->Configuration bits...
; xxx
CONFIG STVREN = ON ;Reset on stack overflow/underflow disabled
CONFIG PLLDIV = 1 ;Divide by 1 (4 MHz oscillator input)
CONFIG XINST = OFF ;Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
CONFIG WDTEN = Off ;WDT disabled (control is placed on SWDTEN bit)
CONFIG CP0 = Off ;Program memory is not code-protected
CONFIG FCMEN = ON ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
CONFIG CPUDIV = OSC4_PLL6 ;No CPU System clock divide
CONFIG FOSC = HSPLL ;HS oscillator, PLL enabled and under software control
CONFIG IESO = ON ;Two-Speed Start-up disabled
CONFIG WDTPS = 512 ;1:128
CONFIG Wait = Off ;Wait states for operations on external memory bus disabled
CONFIG BW = 8 ;8-bit external bus mode
CONFIG EASHFT = Off ;Address shifting disabled, address on external bus reflects the PC value
CONFIG MODE = MM ;Microcontroller mode - External bus disabled
CONFIG MSSPMSK = MSK7 ;7 Bit address masking
CONFIG PMPMX = ALTERNATE ;MP port pins not connected to EMB
CONFIG ECCPMX = DEFAULT ;ECCP1 outputs (P1B/P1C) are multiplexed with RE6 and RE5
CONFIG CCP2MX = DEFAULT ;CCP2 is multiplexed with RC1
; ds30 Loader commercial version
;-Supports read of flash and EEPROM
;-Supports software UART
;-Supports software CAN
;-Available with encryption
;-Read more at www.ds30loader.com
; End of file
any ideas
This product looks just the thing BUT i cannot get it to work

DS30 version 1.5.3 (engine 2.2.7) with all the check boxes in advanced unchecked and all other settings at default.
My PIC application osc config with 4mhz crystal
PLLDIV = 1 ;Divide by 1 (4 MHz oscillator input)
CPUDIV = OSC4_PLL6 ;System clock divide 6
FOSC = HSPLL ;HS oscillator, PLL enabled
My app is compiled with pic basic pro 2.6 and DEFINE LOADER_USED 1 at the top of the code.
My serial comms on the app works OK so no hardware problems there.
I have made no changes to user_code.inc or any other file.
I build the bootloader .hex in MPLAB 8.86 and the file builds OK
Here is my DS30 settings.inc
; Device
processor 18F85J50 ;xxx
; Includes
#include "devices.inc"
; User preferences
radix DEC
#define OSCF 8000000 ;xxx oscillator frequency (including pll)
#define BLINIT 2000 ;xxx hello receive timeout [ms]
#define HELLOTRIES 2 ;xxx number of non hello characters received before branching to the user application
#define BLTIME 2000 ;xxx data receive timeout [ms]
; UART settings
#define USE_UART1 1 ;xxx uncomment to use uart1
;#define USE_UART2 1 ;xxx uncomment to use uart2
#define BAUDRATE 19200 ;xxx baudrate
;#define USE_ABAUD 1 ;xxx uncomment to use auto baud rate detection, READ ERRATA FIRST
;#define USE_BRG16 1 ;xxx uncomment to use 16-bit brg
;#define USE_TXENABLE 1 ;xxx uncomment to use a tx enable pin
#define TXE_DELAY 10 ;xxx time in us to wait before transmitting after pulling the tx enable pin high
#define TRISR_TXE TRISD ;xxx tris register containing tx enable
#define LATR_TXE LATD ;xxx port register containing tx enable
#define TRISB_TXE TRISD0 ;xxx tris bit for tx enable
#define LATB_TXE RD0 ;xxx port bit for tx enable
; Advanced settings
;#define KICK_WD 1 ;xxx uncomment to kick the wd in the rx loop, only enable if the watchdog is enabled
#define PROT_GOTO 1 ;xxx protect goto at 0x00
#define PROT_BL 1 ;xxx protect bootloader
#define WRITE_VER 1 ;do flash write verification
#define EWRITE_VER 1 ;do eeprom write verification
ifdef IS_PIC18F
#define BLPLP 9 ;bootloader placement, pages from end
#define BLSIZEP 9 ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
ifdef IS_PIC18FJ
#define BLPLP 2 ;bootloader placement, pages from end
#define BLSIZEP 1 ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
; Configuration bits, these macros can be found at the end of the inc-files located in
; C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\
; These can also be set in MPLAB IDE instead, they are found in Configure->Configuration bits...
; xxx
CONFIG STVREN = ON ;Reset on stack overflow/underflow disabled
CONFIG PLLDIV = 1 ;Divide by 1 (4 MHz oscillator input)
CONFIG XINST = OFF ;Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
CONFIG WDTEN = Off ;WDT disabled (control is placed on SWDTEN bit)
CONFIG CP0 = Off ;Program memory is not code-protected
CONFIG FCMEN = ON ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
CONFIG CPUDIV = OSC4_PLL6 ;No CPU System clock divide
CONFIG FOSC = HSPLL ;HS oscillator, PLL enabled and under software control
CONFIG IESO = ON ;Two-Speed Start-up disabled
CONFIG WDTPS = 512 ;1:128
CONFIG Wait = Off ;Wait states for operations on external memory bus disabled
CONFIG BW = 8 ;8-bit external bus mode
CONFIG EASHFT = Off ;Address shifting disabled, address on external bus reflects the PC value
CONFIG MODE = MM ;Microcontroller mode - External bus disabled
CONFIG MSSPMSK = MSK7 ;7 Bit address masking
CONFIG PMPMX = ALTERNATE ;MP port pins not connected to EMB
CONFIG ECCPMX = DEFAULT ;ECCP1 outputs (P1B/P1C) are multiplexed with RE6 and RE5
CONFIG CCP2MX = DEFAULT ;CCP2 is multiplexed with RC1
; ds30 Loader commercial version
;-Supports read of flash and EEPROM
;-Supports software UART
;-Supports software CAN
;-Available with encryption
;-Read more at www.ds30loader.com
; End of file
any ideas
