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test with dspic33fj128gp804: does not work [abandoned]
I'm testing with the above pic.
When I try to send the firmware from the GUI, the GUI at a randomly percentage send "time out" and stop working. Sometimes (very rarely) the GUI complete the downloading and the firmware work.
But I cannot reupdate.

The above information I think confim that the boot loader assembly firmware is configured ok but to better clarify I made these modifications:

In the file

.equ __33FJ128GP804,         1
.equiv     FCY,                 10015000

.equiv    USE_UART1,        1            
.equiv     BAUDRATE,             115200
.equiv    USE_BRGH,            1

configurations fuses:

config     __FOSCSEL,     FNOSC_FRCPLL
config    __FWDT,        FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF    
config    __FPOR,        ALTI2C_OFF & FPWRT_PWR128
config    __FICD,        ICS_PGD2 & JTAGEN_OFF

Also I modified the file ds30loader.s :

; User specific entry code go here, see also user exit code section at end of file
        mov        W0, WTEMP1        ;xxx
        mov        W1, WTEMP2        ;xxx
        ;PLLFBDbits.PLLDIV = 85;  //M=87
        mov #85,w1
        mov w1,PLLFBD

        ;CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 2;    //N1=4
        ;CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 3;   //N2=8  - FCK=7.37M* (87/8*4) = 20.03Mhz
        mov #0b11000011000010,w1
        mov w1,CLKDIV

        ; Make uart pins digital
        .ifdecl ADPCFGL
                ;DG .error "Do you need to configura uart/can pins to be digital? If not, remove this line"
                ;configure pins TX1->PINB13(RP13), RX1->PINB12(RP12)
                ;Serial pins must not be analogic pins

                bset AD1PCFGL,#PCFG11         ;AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG11=1;
                bset AD1PCFGL,#PCFG12     ;AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG12=1;
                bclr TRISB,#TRISB13 ;TRISBbits.TRISB13=0; //B13 è un output
                bset TRISB,#TRISB12  ;TRISBbits.TRISB12=1; //B12 è un input

                ;RPINR18bits.U1RXR=0b01100; //PIN U1RX mapped on RP12
                mov #0b1111111100000000,w0 ;
                mov RPINR18,w1
                and w1,w0,w1 ;w1=w1 && w0
                mov #0b0000000000001100,w0 ;U1RXR -> LSB
                ior w1,w0,w1 ;w1=w1 || w0  
                mov w1,RPINR18
                ;RPOR6bits.RP13R=0b00011; //PIN RP13 mapped on U1TX  
                mov #0b0000000011111111,w0
                mov RPOR6,w1
                and w1,w0,w1 ;w1=w1 && w0
                mov #0b0000001100000000,w0  ;RP13R -> MSB
                ior w1,w0,w1  ;w1=w1 || w0
                mov w1,RPOR6

                bset U1MODE,#RTSMD

        ; restore W0 e W1
        mov        WTEMP1,W0    ;xxx
        mov        WTEMP2,W1  ;xxx

But the firmware does not work ever.

Also, very very strange, if I change the baudrate to 38400 in the firmware does not work never...
I think there is some bug in the uart part or in the flash write part of the firmware for this dspic.

Thanks for any kind of support.

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test with dspic33fj128gp804: does not work [abandoned] - by darkeagle - 2011-12-19, 17:32:20

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