2013-03-19, 00:19:48
Hello Mikael,
I got the bootloader to work last night, I had to add the following code into user_code.inc
now the bootloader works
I also set the config bits in settings.inc for my setup
regards Andrew
I got the bootloader to work last night, I had to add the following code into user_code.inc
ifdef ANSELB
;error Do you need to configura uart pins to be digital? If not, remove this line
banksel ANSELB
banksel TRISB
movlw B'11110011' ; hardware-UART Tx/Rx direction
movwf TRISB
banksel PORTB
movlw B'11111111'
movwf PORTB
now the bootloader works
I also set the config bits in settings.inc for my setup
regards Andrew