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dsPIC33FJ16GS504 BootLoader Problem
Hi all:
Thanks Milael for this free piece of work!It is amazing!
I have tried to access the ds30 to my dsPIC33FJ16GS504 board.But i can not write flash correctly.Each time i tried to connect GUI to my Board ,i always received such erro informations:
Quote:Initiating write...
Creating port: USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM11)
Opening port USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM11)@256000
Searching for bl . (discarded null byte) (discarded null byte) (discarded null byte) (discarded null byte) (discarded null byte) (discarded null byte) (discarded null byte) timed out
Closing port
Tx 20 bytes / Rx 160 bytes / 10s
Write failed
my setting file is showed below
; Device
        ;.equ __24F16KA102,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using PIC24F device
        ;.equ __24FJ128GA010,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using PIC24FJ device
        ;.equ __24HJ128GP504,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using PIC24HJ device
        ;.equ __30F4011,             1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using dsPIC30F device
        ;.equ __33FJ256GP710,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using dsPIC33FJ device
        ;.equ __33FJ128MC802,         1            ;
        .equ __33FJ16GS504,         1
; Includes
        .include    ""

; User preferences

        .equiv     FCY,                 40000000        ;xxx speed of internal cycle clock[Hz], used to calculate uart brg and delay
        .equiv    BLINIT,                3000        ;xxx hello receive timeout [ms] 3000
        .equiv    HELLOTRIES,            2            ;xxx number of non hello characters received before branching to the user application    
        .equiv    BLTIME,                3000        ;xxx data receive timeout [ms]


; UART settings
        .equiv    USE_UART1,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart1
        ;.equiv    USE_UART2,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart2
        ;.equiv    USE_UART3,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart3
        ;.equiv    USE_UART4,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart4
        ;.equ    USE_ALTIO,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart 1 alternative i/o, only for dsPIC30F
        .equiv     BAUDRATE,             19200        ;xxx baudrate 115200
        ;.equiv    USE_ABAUD,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use auto baud rate detection, READ ERRATA FIRST        
        ;.equiv    USE_BRGH,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use high baud rates, READ ERRATA FIRST, not available for PIC24F        
        ;.equiv    USE_TXENABLE,        1            ;xxx uncomment to use a tx enable pin        
        .ifdef USE_TXENABLE
            .equiv    TRISR_TXE,        TRISA        ;xxx tris register containing tx enable
            .equiv     LATR_TXE,        LATA        ;xxx port register containing tx enable
            .equiv    TRISB_TXE,        TRISA1        ;xxx tris bit for tx enable
            .equiv    LATB_TXE,        RA1            ;xxx port bit for tx enable

; CAN settings, commercial version only

; Security, commercial version only
; Advanced settings
        .equiv    PROT_GOTO,            1            ;protect goto at 0x00
        .equiv    PROT_BL,            1            ;protect bootloader
        .ifdef    IS_24F
            .ifndef USE_SECURE
                .equiv    BLPLP,        6            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    6            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
                .equiv    BLPLP,        27            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    27            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef    IS_24FJ
            .ifndef USE_SECURE
                .equiv    BLPLP,        2            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    1            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
                .equiv    BLPLP,        2            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    2            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef IS_24HJ
            .ifndef USE_SECURE
                .equiv    BLPLP,        1            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    1            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
                .equiv    BLPLP,        2            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    2            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef    IS_30F
            .ifndef USE_SECURE
                .equiv    BLPLP,        8            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    8            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
                .equiv    BLPLP,        27            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    27            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef IS_33FJ
            .ifndef USE_SECURE
                .equiv    BLPLP,        1            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    1            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
                .equiv    BLPLP,        2            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
                .equiv    BLSIZEP,    2            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection

; Configuration bits, these macros can be found at the end of the inc-files located in
; c:\Program files\Microchip\MPLAB ASM30 Suite\Support\dsPIC33F\inc
; These can also be set in MPLAB IDE instead, they are found in Configure->Configuration bits...
        .ifdef    IS_24F
            ;config    __FBS,    BSS_OFF/*Boot Segment Code Protect*/ & BWRP_OFF/*Boot Segment Write Protect Enable*/
            ;config    __FGS,    GCP_OFF/*General Segment Code Protect*/ & GWRP_OFF/*General Segment Write Protect Enable*/
            config    __FOSCSEL,    FNOSC_FRC/*Initial Oscillator Select*/ & IESO_OFF/*Two Speed Start-up*/
            config    __FOSC,    FCKSM_CSDCMD/*Clock switching and Fail-Safe Clock monitor*/ & SOSCSEL_SOSCLP/*Secondary Oscillator Select*/ & POSCFREQ_MS/*Primary Oscillator Frequency Range*/ & OSCIOFNC_ON/*OSCO Pin Configuration*/ & POSCMOD_XT/*Oscillator Selection*/
            ;config    __FWDT,    FWDTEN_OFF/*Watchdog Timer*/ & WINDIS_OFF/*Windowed WDT*/ & FWPSA_PR32/*Watchdog prescaler*/ & WDTPS_PS1/*Watchdog postscale*/
            ;config    __FPOR, MCLRE_ON/*Master Clear Enable*/ & BORV_LPBOR/*Brown Out Voltage*/ & I2C1SEL_PRI/*I2C1 pins Select*/ & PWRTEN_OFF/*Power Up Timer*/ & BOREN_BOR0/*Brown Out Reset*/
            ;config    __FICD, BKBUG_OFF/*Background Debugger*/ &     ICS_PGx1/*ICD pins select*/
            ;config    __FDS,    DSWDTEN_OFF/*Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer*/ & DSBOREN_OFF/*Deep Sleep BOR*/ & RTCOSC_LPRC/*RTCC Reference Oscillator Select*/ & DSWDTOSC_LPRC/*Deep Sleep Watchdog Oscillator Clock Select*/ & DSWDTPS_DSWDTPS0/*Deep Sleep Watchdog Postscale*/
        .ifdef    IS_24FJ
            config    __CONFIG1, JTAGEN_OFF/*JTAG*/ & GCP_OFF/*code protect*/ & GWRP_OFF/*write protect*/ & BKBUG_OFF/*background debugger*/ & COE_OFF/*clip-on emulation mode*/ & ICS_PGx2/*icd pins select*/ & FWDTEN_OFF/*watchdog timer*/ & WINDIS_OFF/*windowed wdt*/ & FWPSA_PR32/*watchdog prescalar*/ & WDTPS_PS1/*watchdog postscalar*/
            config    __CONFIG2, IESO_OFF/*two-speed startup*/ & FNOSC_FRC/*oscillator selection*/ & FCKSM_CSDCMD/*clock switching and clock monitor*/ & OSCIOFNC_OFF/*OSC0/RC15 function*/ & POSCMOD_XT/*oscillator selection*/
            ;config     __CONFIG3, WPEND_WPSTARTMEM/*write protect range selection*/ & WPCFG_WPCFGDIS/*write protection config page*/ & WPDIS_WPEN/*write protection*/ & WPFP_WPFP8/*Write Protection Flash Page*/
        .ifdef IS_24HJ
            ;config __FBS,         RBS_NO_RAM & BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF    ;xxx boot segment
            ;config __FSS,         RSS_NO_RAM & SSS_NO_FLASH & SWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF    ;xxx secure segment
            ;config __FGS,        GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF                    ;xxx general segment
            config     __FOSCSEL,     FNOSC_FRC & IESO_OFF                             ;xxx oscillator mode
            config     __FOSC,     FCKSM_CSDCMD & OSCIOFNC_ON & POSCMD_XT            ;xxx clock switching/clock monitor, osc2 & oscillator selection
            ;config    __FWDT,        FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF                            ;xxx watchdog
            ;config    __FPOR,        FPWRT_PWR1                                        ;xxx pwm, power-on reset
            ;config    __FICD,        BKBUG_ON & COE_ON & JTAGEN_OFF & ICS_PGD1
        .ifdef    IS_30F
            config     __FOSC,     CSW_FSCM_OFF & FRC_PLL16                            ;xxx oscillator
            config     __FWDT,     WDT_OFF                                                ;xxx watchdog
            config     __FBORPOR,    PBOR_OFF & RST_IOPIN & PWRT_OFF & MCLR_EN            ;xxx power-on reset, brown-out reset, master clear
            ;config __FGS,         CODE_PROT_OFF & GWRP_OFF                            ;xxx code protection
            config     __FICD,     ICS_PGD                                                ;xxx comm channel select
        .ifdef IS_33FJ
            ;config    __FBS,         RBS_NO_RAM & BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF        ;xxx boot segment
            ;config    __FSS,         RSS_NO_RAM & SSS_NO_FLASH & SWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF        ;xxx secure segment
            ;config    __FGS,        GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF                        ;xxx general segment

;**     FNOSC_PRI            Primary oscillator (XT, HS, EC)
;**     FNOSC_PRIPLL         Primary oscillator (XT, HS, EC) w/ PLL
;  Two-speed Oscillator Startup :
;    IESO_OFF             Disabled
;    IESO_ON              Enabled
;#define IESO_OFF             0xFF7F
;#define IESO_ON              0xFFFF

;            config     __FBS,         RBS_NO_RAM & BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF    ;xxx boot segment
;            config     __FSS,         RSS_NO_RAM & SSS_NO_FLASH & SWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF    ;xxx secure segment
;            config    __FGS,        GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF                        ;xxx general segment
            config     __FOSCSEL,     FNOSC_PRIPLL & IESO_OFF                             ;xxx oscillator mode
            config     __FOSC,     FCKSM_CSECMD & OSCIOFNC_ON & POSCMD_XT                ;xxx clock switching/clock monitor, osc2 & oscillator selection
            config    __FWDT,        WDTPOST_PS256 & WDTPRE_PR128 & FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF        ;xxx watchdog
            config    __FPOR,        FPWRT_PWR1                                            ;xxx pwm, power-on reset
            ;config    __FICD,        JTAGEN_OFF & ICS_PGD1                                ;xxx



i think my PPS config is alright,my C code is showed below and i changed it to asm
RPINR18bits.U1RXR = 20;        //??rp20(2o???)?????aU1RX
RPOR10bits.RP21R = 3;          //??rp21(3o???)?????aU1TX

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dsPIC33FJ16GS504 BootLoader Problem - by CWM - 2013-08-16, 11:04:02

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