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PIC 18F4520 [solved]
Thanks Lotus for your help!!!

Now its working well!! The config bits, i set it on manualy, not by code and also in the programmer.
I would like to share the code that its working fine for me:

MCU: PIC18F4520
Oscillator: Internal @ 32Mhz
Serial: UART1 @ 9600 BR

File: ds30loader.asm
; Title:            ds30 Loader for PIC18F
; File description:    Main firmwarefile
; Copyright:         Copyright © 09-10, Mikael Gustafsson
; Version:            2.0.3 september 2010
; Webpage:   
; Thanks to:        Claudio Chiculita, this code is based on the Tiny PIC bootloader
;                    Fabien Pieraldi for writing the CAN part
; History:            2.0.3 Bugfix: In some case, CAN engine won't start (bad state on RB2)
;                          Bugfix: goto protection not working for some devices
;                          Improvement: renamed fosc to oscf for compatibility with some devices
;                    2.0.2 Change: node ID configuration moved in
;                          New feature: goto protection
;                          New feature: bl protection
;                          Change: size is 7 pages
;                          Bugfix: compatible with devices that has no eeprom (2450, 4450 and more)
;                    2.0.1 New feature: adjustable non hello discard, HELLORETRIES setting                      
;                          Improvement: compatible with include files containing both TXSTA and TXSTA1 definitions
;                          Improvement: 5 or 7 (see section Init) more instructions free to use (CAN)
;                    2.0.0 CAN support
;                    1.0.2 Replaced old baudrate calculator    
;                    1.0.1 Erase is now made just before write to increase reliability
;                    1.0.0 Separated boot timeout and receive timeout
;                          Added range check of times and brg
;                    0.9.2 Changed bootloader size to 5 pages (to make room for more user init code)
;                          Added tx enable support
;                    0.9.1 1 more instruction free to use
;                          Added watchdog clear
;                          Fixed baudrate error check
;                           Correct buffer size
;                    0.9.0 Initial release

;    This file is part of ds30 Loader.
;    ds30 Loader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;    the Free Software Foundation.
;    ds30 Loader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;    GNU General Public License for more details.
;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;    along with ds30 Loader. If not, see <>.

; This MPLAB-project comes preconfigured for PIC18F2550 using internal RC-
; oscillator
; To use other chip and/or configuration you need to do:
; * Select correct device in MPLAB IDE, menu Configure->Select Device
; * Search for xxx in and check/alter those lines
; * Add i/o config if necessary
; * Tabsize used is 4

; Includes
        #include ""

        #ifndef USE_UART1
            #ifndef USE_UART2
                #ifndef USE_CAN
                    error "No communication is specified"
        #ifdef USE_CAN
            #ifndef HAS_CAN
                error "CanBus specified for a device that only has uart"
            #ifdef USE_UART1
                error "UART1 and Canbus specified"
            #ifdef USE_UART2
                error "UART2 and Canbus specified"
            #ifdef USE_TXENABLE
                error "TX enable is not available for CAN"

        #ifdef USE_UART1
            #ifdef USE_UART2
                error "Both uarts are specified"
            #ifdef TXSTA
                   #define TXSTA_    TXSTA                    ;uart status
                   #define    RCSTA_    RCSTA                    ;uart status
                   #define    SPBRG_    SPBRG                    ;uart baudrate
                   #define    TXREG_    TXREG                    ;uart transmit
                   #define    RCREG_    RCREG                    ;uart receive
                   #define    TXSTA_    TXSTA1                    ;uart status
                   #define    RCSTA_    RCSTA1                    ;uart status
                   #define    SPBRG_    SPBRG1                    ;uart baudrate
                   #define    TXREG_    TXREG1                    ;uart transmit
                   #define    RCREG_    RCREG1                    ;uart receive

        #ifdef USE_UART2
            #ifdef USE_UART1
                error "Both uarts are specified"
            #ifndef HAS_UART2
                error "UART2 specified for a device that only has uart1"

               #define    TXSTA_        TXSTA2                    ;uart status
               #define    RCSTA_        RCSTA2                    ;uart status
               #define    SPBRG_        SPBRG2                    ;uart baudrate
               #define    TXREG_        TXREG2                    ;uart transmit
               #define    RCREG_        RCREG2                    ;uart receive
; Defines
        #define    VERMAJ        2                                        ;firmware version major
        #define    VERMIN        0                                        ;firmware version minor
        #define    VERREV        3                                        ;firmware version revision
        #define HELLO         0xC1
        #define OK             'K'                                        ;erase/write ok
        #define CHECKSUMERR    'N'                                        ;checksum error
        #define    VERFAIL        'V'                                        ;verification failed
        #define    BLPROT        'P'                                      ;bl protection tripped
        #define    UCMD         'U'                                      ;unknown command

        #define    BL10MS        ( 10 * (OSCF / 4000) / (255 * 7) )        ;10ms delay
        #define    BLSTART        ( BLINIT / 10 )                            ;count for boot receive delay
        #define    BLDELAY        ( BLTIME / 10 )                            ;count for receive delay
        #define    UBRG        ( (((OSCF / BAUDRATE) / 8) - 1) / 2 )    ;baudrate
        #define    PAGESIZEW    32                                        ;pagesize [words]
        #define    PAGESIZER    (PAGESIZEW/ROWSIZEW)                    ;pagesize [rows]
        #define    ROWSIZEB    (ROWSIZEW*2)                            ;rowsize [bytes]
        #define STARTADDR    ( MAX_FLASH - BLPLP * PAGESIZER * ROWSIZEW * 2 )            ;bootloader placement
        ; Debug output
        ;messg    STARTADDR_IS #(STARTADDR)
        ;messg    UBRG_IS        #v(UBRG)
        ;messg    bldelayis     #v(BLDELAY)
        ;messg    blstartis     #v(BLSTART)

; Range check
        if UBRG > 255
            error spbrg_value_ is out of range
        if UBRG == 0
            error spbrg_value_ might be out of range
        if BLSTART > 255
            error BLSTART_ is out of range
        if BLSTART == 0
            error spbrg_value_ might be out of range
        if BLDELAY > 255
            error BLDELAY_ is out of range
        if BLDELAY == 0
            error BLDELAY_ might be out of range
; Variables
        cblock 0
            crc            ;receive checksum
            dcnt        ;datacount
            cnt1        ;receive timeout timer
            cnt2        ;receive timeout timer
            cnt3        ;receive timeout timer
            cntHello    ;
            rowcnt        ;row iterator
            rowcnt2        ;
            cmd            ;command
            doerase        ;do erase before next write
        ;cblock 10
            buffer:65    ;receive buffer
; Send macro
SendL     macro     sbyte
            movlw     sbyte
            rcall    Send

; Reset vector
        org     0x0000
        goto    blstart

; GOTO user application
        org     STARTADDR - 4    ;space to deposit goto to user application
loadusr    goto    0x002C
; Start of bootloader code
        org     STARTADDR
        ; User init
        ; Enable digital i/o    
        #ifdef    ADCON1
            ;error Do you need to configura uart pins to be digital? If not, remove this line
        ;movlw     b'01100000'        ;xxx disable
        ;movwf     ADCON1            ;xxx analog on tx/rx
        ; Set internal oscillator to 8MHz
        movlw b'01110000'    
        movwf OSCCON
        bsf   OSCTUNE,6
        ; Make tx enable pin output and set to 0
        #ifdef USE_TXENABLE
            bcf    TRISR_TXE, TRISB_TXE
            bcf    LATR_TXE, LATB_TXE
        ; Init
        clrf    doerase
        ; Uart
        #ifndef USE_CAN
            movlw     b'00100100'        ;enable transmit and
            movwf     TXSTA_            ; high speed mode
            movlw     UBRG            ;use only SPBRG_ (8 bit mode default) not using BAUDCON
            movwf     SPBRG_
            movlw     b'10010000'        ;enable serial port
            movwf     RCSTA_            ; and receive
        #ifdef USE_CAN
            bsf        PORTB, RB2
            bcf        TRISB, RB2

            movlb    15
            movlw   b'00000001'
            movwf   TXB0DLC,BANKED
            ;xxx If transmit ID & receive ID are the same then comment lines marked with * (free 2 instructions)
            movlw    (ID_GUI<<5)&0xE0    ;Load SID2:SID0, EXIDE = 0 / User configure transmit ID        
            movwf   TXB0SIDL,BANKED
            movlw    (ID_PIC<<5)&0xE0    ;Load SID2:SID0, EXIDE = 0 / User configure receive ID *
            movwf    RXF0SIDL, BANKED
            movlw   ID_GUI>>3         ;Load SID10:SID3 / User configure transmit ID
            movwf   TXB0SIDH,BANKED
            movlw    ID_PIC>>3            ;Load SID10:SID3 / User configure receive ID *
            movwf    RXF0SIDH, BANKED
            movlw    b'11111111'     ;Prevent filter 1 from causing a
            movwf    RXF1SIDL        ; receive event
            movwf    RXM0SIDH        ;Set mask
            movlw    b'11100000'
            movwf    RXM0SIDL
            movlb    0                ;Set bit rate
            movlw    b'00000001'        ;xxx User configure Baudrate (Default 500kBd with HSPLL and 10MHz crystal)
            movwf    BRGCON1
            movlw    b'11111010'        ;xxx User configure Baudrate
            movwf    BRGCON2
            movlw    b'00000111'        ;xxx User configure Baudrate
            movwf    BRGCON3
            bsf     CIOCON, ENDRHI
            clrf    CANCON            ;Enter Normal mode
        ; Wait for computer
        clrf    cntHello
        movlw    BLSTART
rhello    rcall     RcvIni
        sublw     HELLO
        bz         sendid        
        ; Not hello received
        incf    cntHello
        movf    cntHello
        sublw    HELLOTRIES
        bz        exit
        bra        rhello        
        ; Send device id and firmware version
sendid    SendL     DEVICEID
        SendL    (VERMAJ + 128)    ;128 to indicate PIC18F
        SendL    ((VERMIN<<4) + VERREV)
        ; Main loop
Main    SendL     OK                ; "-Everything OK, ready and waiting."
mainl    clrf     crc

        ; Receive address
        ;Upper byte
        rcall     Receive            
        movwf     TBLPTRU
        ; High byte
        rcall     Receive
        movwf     TBLPTRH
        #ifdef    BIGEE
            movwf    EEADRH        ;for eeprom
        ; Low byte
        rcall     Receive
        movwf     TBLPTRL
        #ifdef    EEADR
            movwf     EEADR        ;for eeprom

        ; Receive command
        rcall     Receive    
        movwf     cmd    
        ; Receive nr of data bytes that will follow
        rcall     Receive    
        movwf     dcnt    
        ; Receive data
        lfsr     FSR0, buffer    ;load buffer pointer to fsr0
rcvoct    rcall     Receive
        movwf     POSTINC0
        decfsz     dcnt
        bra     rcvoct
        ; Check checksum
chksum    tstfsz     crc                
        bra     crcfail
        ; 0x00 goto protection
        #ifdef    PROT_GOTO
            ; Only for write row command
            ;btfss     cmd, 1            
            ;bra     ibufpt        
            ; Check for row 0
            tstfsz    TBLPTRU
            bra        ibufpt
            tstfsz    TBLPTRH
            bra        ibufpt
            tstfsz    TBLPTRL
            bra        ibufpt                        
            ; Init buffer pointer
            lfsr     FSR0, buffer    ;load buffer pointer to fsr0
            ; 1st word low byte = low address byte
            movlw     ((STARTADDR>>1)&0xff)
            movwf    POSTINC0
            ; 1st word high byte = goto instruction
            movlw    0xef
            movwf    POSTINC0
            ; 2nd word low byte = upper address byte
            movlw     (((STARTADDR>>1)&0xff00)>>8)
            movwf    POSTINC0
            ; 2nd word high byte = uppder address nibble + goto instruction            
            movlw     (0xf0 + (((STARTADDR>>1)&0xf0000)>>16))
            movwf    POSTINC0
        ; Init buffer pointer
ibufpt    lfsr     FSR0, buffer    ;load buffer pointer to fsr0
        ; Check command
        ; Erase page, set do erase status flag
        btfss    cmd, 0
        bra        cmdrow
        setf    doerase
        bra        Main
        ; Write row
cmdrow    btfsc     cmd, 1            
        bra     blprot
        #ifdef    EEDATA
            ; Write eeprom word
            btfsc     cmd, 2            
            bra     eeprom
        ; Write config
        btfsc     cmd, 3
        bra     cfg    
        ; Else, unknown command
        SendL   UCMD        
        bra     mainl    
        ; Exit, placed here so it can be branched to from all code, max +-127
        #ifndef USE_CAN
exit        clrf    RCSTA_            ;reset receive status and control register
            clrf    TXSTA_            ;reset transmit status and control register
        #ifdef USE_CAN
exit           bsf     CANCON, REQOP2  ;reset receive status and control register
        bra     loadusr        
        ; Bootloader protection
blprot    nop
        #ifdef PROT_BL
            ; Make a copy of address
            movff    TBLPTRU, ttblptru
            movff    TBLPTRH, ttblptrh
            movff    TBLPTRL, ttblptrl
            ; Calculate page number of received address
            movlw    6        ;2^6=64=pagesize[bytes]
            movwf    cnt1
            bcf        STATUS, C    ;clear carry bit
calcpage    rrcf    ttblptru, 1
            rrcf    ttblptrh, 1
            rrcf    ttblptrl, 1
            decfsz    cnt1
            bra        calcpage            
            ; Received page high < bl start page = OK
            movlw    ((STARTADDR/64)>>8)
            subwf    ttblptrh, 0
            bn        blprotok
            ; Received page = bl start page
            movlw    ((STARTADDR/64)>>8)
            subwf    ttblptrh, 0
            bnz        chkgt    
            ; Received page low < bl start page low = OK        
            movlw    ((STARTADDR/64)&0xff)
            subwf    ttblptrl, 0
            bn        blprotok
            ; Received page high > bl end page = OK
chkgt        movlw    (((STARTADDR/64)+BLSIZEP-1)>>8)
            subwf    ttblptrh, 0
            bz        chkgt2
            bn        chkgt2
            bra        blprotok
            ; Received page = bl end page
chkgt2        movlw    (((STARTADDR/64)+BLSIZEP-1)>>8)
            subwf    ttblptrh, 0
            bnz        proterr    
            ; Received page low > bl end page low = OK        
            movlw    (((STARTADDR/64)+BLSIZEP-1)&0xff)
            subwf    ttblptrl, 0
            bz        proterr
            bn        proterr
            bra        blprotok
            ; Protection tripped
proterr        SendL   BLPROT        
            bra     mainl
        ; Erase page
erase    btfss     doerase, 0
        bra     wrloop
        movlw    b'10010100'        ;setup erase
        rcall     Write
        clrf    doerase
        ; Write row
wrloop    movlw     ROWSIZEB
        movwf     rowcnt    
        movwf    rowcnt2    
        ; Load latches
wrbyte    movff     POSTINC0, TABLAT
        tblwt    *+
        decfsz     rowcnt
        bra     wrbyte        
        ; Write
        tblrd    *-                ;point back into row
        movlw    b'10000100'        
        rcall     Write
        ; Write finished, verify row
        lfsr     FSR0, (buffer+ROWSIZEB-1)    ;load buffer pointer to fsr0
        ; Read
verbyte    tblrd    *-        
        movf     POSTDEC0, w
        ; Compare
        cpfseq    TABLAT
        bra        verfail
        ; Loop?
        decfsz     rowcnt2
        bra     verbyte        
        ; Verify succesfull
        bra     Main
        ; Write eeprom byte
        #ifdef    EEADR
            ; Load latch
eeprom        movff    INDF0, EEDATA
            ; Write
            movlw     b'00000100'
            rcall     Write
            ; Verify, read byte
            movlw     b'00000001'
            bsf        EECON1, RD
            movf    INDF0, w
            ; Compare
            cpfseq    EEDATA
            bra        verfail
            ; Verify succesfull
            bra     Main
        ; Write config byte
        ; Load latch
cfg        movff     INDF0, TABLAT
        tblwt    *
        ; Write
        movlw     b'11000100'
        rcall     Write
        ; Write finished
        bra        Main
        ; Verify fail
verfail    SendL     VERFAIL
        bra     mainl
        ; Checksum error
crcfail    SendL     CHECKSUMERR
        bra     mainl
; Write()
Write    movwf     EECON1
        movlw     0x55
        movwf     EECON2
        movlw     0xAA
        movwf     EECON2
        bsf     EECON1, WR
        ; Wait for write to finish, only needed for eeprom
waitwre    btfsc     EECON1, WR
        bra     waitwre
        bcf     EECON1,WREN        ;disable writes
; Send()
#ifndef USE_CAN
Send    ; Enable tx
        #ifdef USE_TXENABLE
            bsf    LATR_TXE, LATB_TXE
            nop        ;needed?
        ;Send byte
        movwf     TXREG_
        ; Wait for transmit shift register to get empty
txwait    btfss    TXSTA_, TRMT
        bra        txwait
        ; Disable tx
        #ifdef USE_TXENABLE
            bcf    LATR_TXE, LATB_TXE
        ; Send complete
#ifdef USE_CAN
        movlb    15                        ;One BANKSEL
        movwf    TXB0D0,BANKED
        bsf     TXB0CON, TXREQ             ;Normal priority; Request transmission
        ;If required, wait for message to get transmitted
txwait    BTFSC   TXB0CON, TXREQ,BANKED    ;Is it transmitted?
        BRA     txwait                     ;No.  Continue to wait...
        movlb    0
        ; Send complete

; Receive()
#ifndef USE_CAN
Receive    movlw     BLDELAY
RcvIni    movwf    cnt1            ;
rpt2    movlw    BL10MS            ;
        movwf    cnt2            ;        
rpt3    clrf     cnt3        
rptc    clrwdt
        btfss     PIR1, RCIF        ;test RX
        bra     notrcv
        movf     RCREG_, w        ;return read data in W
        addwf     crc, f            ;compute crc
notrcv    decfsz     cnt3
        bra     rptc
        decfsz     cnt2
        bra     rpt3
        decfsz     cnt1
        bra     rpt2
        ; Receive timed out if we get here
        bra        exit
#ifdef USE_CAN
Receive    movlw     BLDELAY
RcvIni    movwf    cnt1            ;
rpt2    movlw    BL10MS            ;
        movwf    cnt2            ;        
rpt3    clrf     cnt3        
rptc    clrwdt
        btfss    RXB0CON, RXFUL     ;Does RXB0 contain a message?
        bra     notrcv
        movf     RXB0D0, w        ;Return read data in W
        addwf     crc, f            ;Compute crc
        bcf        RXB0CON, RXFUL
notrcv    decfsz     cnt3
        bra     rptc
        decfsz     cnt2
        bra     rpt3
        decfsz     cnt1
        bra     rpt2
        ; Receive timed out if we get here
        bra        exit

; End of code
; After reset
; Do not expect the memory to be zero,
; Do not expect registers to be initialised as described in datasheet.

; Title:            ds30 Loader for PIC18F
; File description:    user settings and configuration bits
; Copyright:         Copyright © 09-10, Mikael Gustafsson
; Webpage:   
; History:            2.0.3 Renamed fosc to oscf
;                    2.0.2 New setting: NODENR
;                          New setting: NODENR_BL
;                          New setting: PROT_GOTO
;                          New setting: PROT_BL
;                    2.0.1 New setting: HELLORETRIES
;                    2.0.0 CAN support
;                    1.0.2 -
;                    1.0.1 -
;                    1.0.0 Added BLINIT
;                    0.9.2 Added tx enable support
;                    0.9.1 -
;                    0.9.0 first version of this file

;    This file is part of ds30 Loader.
;    ds30 Loader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;    the Free Software Foundation.
;    ds30 Loader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;    GNU General Public License for more details.
;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;    along with ds30 Loader. If not, see <>.

; Device
        LIST          P=18F4520;                        ;xxx

; Includes
        #include    ""

; User preferences
        radix DEC

        #define        OSCF            32000000        ;xxx oscillator frequency
        #define        BAUDRATE         9600            ;xxx baudrate
        #define        BLTIME            2000            ;xxx data receive timeout [ms]
        #define        BLINIT            2000            ;xxx hello receive timeout [ms]
        #define        HELLOTRIES        2                ;xxx number of non hello characters received before branching to the user application
        #define        USE_UART1        1                ;xxx uncomment to use uart1
        ;#define        USE_UART2        1                ;xxx uncomment to use uart2
        ;#define USE_CAN                                ;xxx uncomment to use CAN instead of UART
        ;#define        USE_TXENABLE    1                ;xxx uncomment to use a tx enable pin        
        #ifdef USE_TXENABLE
            #define    TRISR_TXE        TRISC            ;xxx tris register containing tx enable
            #define    LATR_TXE        LATC            ;xxx port register containing tx enable
            #define    TRISB_TXE        TRISC6            ;xxx tris bit for tx enable
            #define LATB_TXE        RC6                ;xxx port bit for tx enable

; CAN settings
        #define        ID_PIC        1                    ;xxx node number for this device
        #define     ID_GUI     0x7ff                    ;xxx node number of the ds30 Loader gui

; Advanced settings
        #define        PROT_GOTO    1                    ;xxx protect goto at 0x00
        #define        PROT_BL     1                    ;xxx protect bootloader
        #define        BLPLP        7                    ;bootloader placement, pages from end
        #define        BLSIZEP        7                    ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection    

; Configuration bits, these macros can be found at the end of the inc-files located in
; C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\
; These can also be set in MPLAB IDE instead, they are found in Configure->Configuration bits...
        ;config     OSC     = INTIO2    ;internal oscillator
        ;config     FSCM     = OFF        ;failsafe clock monitor
        ;config     IESO     = OFF        ;internal external switchover mode
        ;config     PWRT     = OFF        ;power-up timer
        ;config     BOR     = OFF        ;brown-out reset
        ;config     BORV    = 27        ;brown-out reset value
        ;config     WDT     = OFF        ;watchdog timer
        ;config     WDTPS     = 1            ;1:1 WDT prescalar
        ;config     MCLRE     = ON        ;MCLR
        ;config     STVR     = ON        ;stack overflow reset
        ;config     LVP     = OFF        ;low voltage programming
        ;config    DEBUG    = OFF        ;debug
        ;config     CP0     = OFF        ;
        ;config     CP1     = OFF        ;
        ;config     CPB     = OFF        ;
        ;config     CPD     = OFF        ;
        ;config     WRT0     = OFF        ;
        ;config     WRT1     = OFF        ;
        ;config     WRTB     = OFF        ;
        ;config     WRTC     = OFF        ;
        ;config     WRTD    = OFF        ;
        ;config     EBTR0     = OFF        ;
        ;config     EBTR1     = OFF        ;
        ;config     EBTRB     = OFF        ;
        ;__CONFIG _CONFIG2H, _WDT_OFF_2H & _WDTPS_1_2H
        ;__CONFIG _CONFIG5L, _CP0_OFF_5L & _CP1_OFF_5L & _CP2_OFF_5L
        ;__CONFIG _CONFIG5H, _CPB_OFF_5H & _CPD_OFF_5H
        ;__CONFIG _CONFIG6L, _WRT0_OFF_6L & _WRT1_OFF_6L & _WRT2_OFF_6L & _WRT3_OFF_6L
        ;__CONFIG _CONFIG7L, _EBTR0_OFF_7L & _EBTR1_OFF_7L & _EBTR2_OFF_7L & _EBTR3_OFF_7L

Messages In This Thread
PIC 18F4520 [solved] - by nicorosen - 2010-10-26, 02:08:23
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Lotusx - 2010-10-26, 08:43:15
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by nicorosen - 2010-11-01, 22:22:33
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Lotusx - 2010-11-02, 10:52:58
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Erixk - 2011-02-10, 19:28:52
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by nicorosen - 2010-11-17, 22:15:58
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Lotusx - 2010-11-17, 22:49:21
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by DaxMAC - 2016-03-08, 16:52:55
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by LMS_EE - 2010-11-22, 16:50:11
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Mikael Gustavsson - 2010-11-22, 22:22:01

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