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PIC 18F4520 [solved]
Hi, I'm trying to bootload the firmware from my device (PIC18F4520), but I always get the same msg:
Opening port Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1)@9600
Searching for bl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . timed out
Closing port

I compiled the firmware 18F with MPLAB, as the "firmware manual" says.
Then I burned the .HEX through the JDM Progammer with WinPic800 and and everything went ok!
But when i want to download a program through serial port with ds30 Loader, i cant get the PC to communicate with the device.

I would appreciate very much if someone could help me?

Thanks anyway.


Oscillator: Internal @ 32Mhz
Serial: UART1 @ 9600 BR

Here is the code from "":

; Title: ds30 Loader for PIC18F
; File description: user settings and configuration bits
; Copyright: Copyright © 09-10, Mikael Gustafsson
; Webpage:
; History: 2.0.2 New setting: NODENR
; New setting: NODENR_BL
; New setting: PROT_GOTO
; New setting: PROT_BL
; 2.0.1 New setting: HELLORETRIES
; 2.0.0 CAN support
; 1.0.2 -
; 1.0.1 -
; 1.0.0 Added BLINIT
; 0.9.2 Added tx enable support
; 0.9.1 -
; 0.9.0 first version of this file

; This file is part of ds30 Loader.
; ds30 Loader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation.
; ds30 Loader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with ds30 Loader. If not, see <>.

; Device
LIST P=18F4520; ;xxx

; Includes
#include ""

; User preferences
radix DEC

#define FOSC 32000000 ;xxx
#define BAUDRATE 9600 ;xxx baudrate
#define BLTIME 2000 ;xxx data receive timeout [ms]
#define BLINIT 2000 ;xxx hello receive timeout [ms]
#define HELLOTRIES 2 ;xxx number of non hello characters received before branching to the user application

#define USE_UART1 1 ;xxx uncomment to use uart1
;#define USE_UART2 1 ;xxx uncomment to use uart2
;#define USE_CAN ;xxx uncomment to use CAN instead of UART

;#define USE_TXENABLE 1 ;xxx uncomment to use a tx enable pin
#define TRISR_TXE TRISC ;xxx tris register containing tx enable
#define LATR_TXE LATC ;xxx port register containing tx enable
#define TRISB_TXE TRISC6 ;xxx tris bit for tx enable
#define LATB_TXE RC6 ;xxx port bit for tx enable

; CAN settings
#define NODENR 1 ;xxx node number
#define NODENR_BL 0x7ff ;xxx node number of the bootloader master(gui)

; Advanced settings
#define PROT_GOTO 1 ;xxx protect goto at 0x00
#define PROT_BL 1 ;xxx protect bootloader

#define BLPLP 7 ;bootloader placement, pages from end
#define BLSIZEP 7 ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection

; Configuration bits, these macros can be found at the end of the inc-files located in
; C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\
; These can also be set in MPLAB IDE instead, they are found in Configure->Configuration bits...
;config OSC = INTIO2 ;internal oscillator
;config FSCM = OFF ;failsafe clock monitor
;config IESO = OFF ;internal external switchover mode
;config PWRT = OFF ;power-up timer
;config BOR = OFF ;brown-out reset
;config BORV = 27 ;brown-out reset value
;config WDT = OFF ;watchdog timer
;config WDTPS = 1 ;1:1 WDT prescalar
;config MCLRE = ON ;MCLR
;config STVR = ON ;stack overflow reset
;config LVP = OFF ;low voltage programming
;config DEBUG = OFF ;debug
;config CP0 = OFF ;
;config CP1 = OFF ;
;config CPB = OFF ;
;config CPD = OFF ;
;config WRT0 = OFF ;
;config WRT1 = OFF ;
;config WRTB = OFF ;
;config WRTC = OFF ;
;config WRTD = OFF ;
;config EBTR0 = OFF ;
;config EBTR1 = OFF ;
;config EBTRB = OFF ;


Messages In This Thread
PIC 18F4520 [solved] - by nicorosen - 2010-10-26, 02:08:23
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Lotusx - 2010-10-26, 08:43:15
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by nicorosen - 2010-11-01, 22:22:33
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Lotusx - 2010-11-02, 10:52:58
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Erixk - 2011-02-10, 19:28:52
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by nicorosen - 2010-11-17, 22:15:58
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Lotusx - 2010-11-17, 22:49:21
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by DaxMAC - 2016-03-08, 16:52:55
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by LMS_EE - 2010-11-22, 16:50:11
RE: PIC 18F4520 - by Mikael Gustavsson - 2010-11-22, 22:22:01

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