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aack...I canny git the18F26K22 to boot its wee load [solved]
(2012-06-28, 17:03:05)SoundFriend Wrote: I desperately needed to get the ds30 running on my 18F25K22 using the internal oscillator at 16MHz, 4x PLL and USART2.
It boiled down to putting code in to make sure all the ANSELs are correctly set to digital mode, TRIS's correct, comparators switched off, ADCON set to digital (only needed for USART1) and the correct oscillator configuration. Finally setting the CONFIG registers correctly for my setup.
Finally I tried to find out what breaks it. Setting OSCTUNE to b'11000000' to feed the PLL from the internal oscillator was a vital one.

I was not using the internal osc on the 26K22 so I didn't run into quite this same issue, but I had a similar obscure problem with a 27J13 -- the errata showed a similar problem with internal osc configuration -- even when not using the int osc. See:

Crazy stuff.

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RE: aack...I canny git the18F26K22 to boot [solved] - by teletype-guy - 2013-03-03, 06:46:35

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