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PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue [solved]
Hi Mikael.

I have some problems with the loader.
When i connect with the GUI i only get (discarded null character). Nothing more.
I think the loader is receiving correctly, because i can see the TX enable signal going high after the GUI tries to connect, but nothing comes out from the TX pin.
Hardware has been verified with my app.
Bus: RS485, 9600
PIC UART1: TX = RP7, RX = RP22, TX_ENA = RP9
PIC Clock: Xtal 14.745Mhz
From Settings:
; Title:            ds30 loader
; File description:    user settings and configuration bits for PIC24 and dsPIC
; Copyright:         Copyright 2009-2012 Mikael Gustafsson

;    This file is part of ds30 Loader.
;    ds30 Loader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;    the Free Software Foundation.
;    ds30 Loader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;    GNU General Public License for more details.
;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;    along with ds30 Loader. If not, see <>.

; Device
        ;.equ __24F16KA102,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using PIC24F device
        ;.equ __24FJ128GA010,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using PIC24FJ device
        ;.equ __24HJ128GP504,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using PIC24HJ device
        ;.equ __30F4013,             1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using dsPIC30F device
        ;.equ __33FJ256GP710A,         1            ;xxx uncomment and change if using dsPIC33FJ device
        .equ __24HJ16GP304,            1

; Includes
        .include    ""

; User preferences
        .equiv     FCY,                 7372800        ;xxx speed of internal cycle clock[Hz], used to calculate uart brg and delay (****custom for 14mhz xtal*****)
        .equiv    BLINIT,                6000        ;xxx hello receive timeout [ms]
        .equiv    HELLOTRIES,            2            ;xxx number of non hello characters received before branching to the user application    
        .equiv    BLTIME,                3000        ;xxx data receive timeout [ms]

; UART settings
        .equiv    USE_UART1,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart1
        ;.equiv    USE_UART2,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart2
        ;.equiv    USE_UART3,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart3
        ;.equiv    USE_UART4,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart4
        ;.equ    USE_ALTIO,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use uart 1 alternative i/o, only for dsPIC30F
        .equiv     BAUDRATE,             9600        ;xxx baudrate
        ;.equiv    USE_ABAUD,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use auto baud rate detection, READ ERRATA FIRST        
        .equiv    USE_BRGH,            1            ;xxx uncomment to use high baud rates, READ ERRATA FIRST, not available for PIC24F        
        .equiv    USE_TXENABLE,        1            ;xxx uncomment to use a tx enable pin        
        .ifdef USE_TXENABLE
            .equ    TXE_DELAY,         10            ;xxx time in us to wait before transmitting after pulling the tx enable pin high
            .equiv    TRISR_TXE,        TRISB        ;xxx tris register containing tx enable (***Customized for B9***)
            .equiv     LATR_TXE,        LATB        ;xxx port register containing tx enable (***Customized for B9***)
            .equiv    TRISB_TXE,        TRISB9        ;xxx tris bit for tx enable (***Customized for B9***)
            .equiv    LATB_TXE,        RB9            ;xxx port bit for tx enable (***Customized for B9***)
; Advanced settings
        ;.equiv    KICK_WD,            1            ;xxx uncomment to kick the wd in the rx loop, ONLY enable if watchdog is enabled
        .equiv    WRITE_VER,            1            ;xxx do flash write verification
        .equiv    EWRITE_VER,            1            ;xxx do eeprom write verification
        .equiv    PROT_GOTO,            1            ;protect goto at 0x00
        .equiv    PROT_BL,            1            ;protect bootloader
        .ifdef    IS_24F
            .equiv    BLPLP,            7            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
            .equiv    BLSIZEP,        7            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef    IS_24FJ
            .equiv    BLPLP,            2            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
            .equiv    BLSIZEP,        1            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef IS_24HJ
            .equiv    BLPLP,            1            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
            .equiv    BLSIZEP,        1            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef    IS_30F
            .equiv    BLPLP,            9            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
            .equiv    BLSIZEP,        9            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection
        .ifdef IS_33FJ
            .equiv    BLPLP,            1            ;bootloader placement, pages from end
            .equiv    BLSIZEP,        1            ;bootloader size [pages], used by bootloader protection

; Configuration bits, these macros can be found at the end of the inc-files located in
; c:\Program files\Microchip\MPLAB ASM30 Suite\Support\dsPIC33F\inc
; These can also be set in MPLAB IDE instead, they are found in Configure->Configuration bits...
        .ifdef    IS_24F
            ;config    __FBS,    BSS_OFF/*Boot Segment Code Protect*/ & BWRP_OFF/*Boot Segment Write Protect Enable*/
            ;config    __FGS,    GCP_OFF/*General Segment Code Protect*/ & GWRP_OFF/*General Segment Write Protect Enable*/
            config    __FOSCSEL,    FNOSC_FRC/*Initial Oscillator Select*/ & IESO_OFF/*Two Speed Start-up*/
            config    __FOSC,    FCKSM_CSDCMD/*Clock switching and Fail-Safe Clock monitor*/ & SOSCSEL_SOSCLP/*Secondary Oscillator Select*/ & POSCFREQ_MS/*Primary Oscillator Frequency Range*/ & OSCIOFNC_ON/*OSCO Pin Configuration*/ & POSCMOD_XT/*Oscillator Selection*/
            ;config    __FWDT,    FWDTEN_OFF/*Watchdog Timer*/ & WINDIS_OFF/*Windowed WDT*/ & FWPSA_PR32/*Watchdog prescaler*/ & WDTPS_PS1/*Watchdog postscale*/
            ;config    __FPOR, MCLRE_ON/*Master Clear Enable*/ & BORV_LPBOR/*Brown Out Voltage*/ & I2C1SEL_PRI/*I2C1 pins Select*/ & PWRTEN_OFF/*Power Up Timer*/ & BOREN_BOR0/*Brown Out Reset*/
            ;config    __FICD, BKBUG_OFF/*Background Debugger*/ &     ICS_PGx1/*ICD pins select*/
            ;config    __FDS,    DSWDTEN_OFF/*Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer*/ & DSBOREN_OFF/*Deep Sleep BOR*/ & RTCOSC_LPRC/*RTCC Reference Oscillator Select*/ & DSWDTOSC_LPRC/*Deep Sleep Watchdog Oscillator Clock Select*/ & DSWDTPS_DSWDTPS0/*Deep Sleep Watchdog Postscale*/
        .ifdef    IS_24FJ
            config    __CONFIG1, JTAGEN_OFF/*JTAG*/ & GCP_OFF/*code protect*/ & GWRP_OFF/*write protect*/ & BKBUG_OFF/*background debugger*/ & COE_OFF/*clip-on emulation mode*/ & ICS_PGx2/*icd pins select*/ & FWDTEN_OFF/*watchdog timer*/ & WINDIS_OFF/*windowed wdt*/ & FWPSA_PR32/*watchdog prescalar*/ & WDTPS_PS1/*watchdog postscalar*/
            config    __CONFIG2, IESO_OFF/*two-speed startup*/ & FNOSC_FRC/*oscillator selection*/ & FCKSM_CSDCMD/*clock switching and clock monitor*/ & OSCIOFNC_OFF/*OSC0/RC15 function*/ & POSCMOD_XT/*oscillator selection*/
            ;config     __CONFIG3, WPEND_WPSTARTMEM/*write protect range selection*/ & WPCFG_WPCFGDIS/*write protection config page*/ & WPDIS_WPEN/*write protection*/ & WPFP_WPFP8/*Write Protection Flash Page*/
        .ifdef IS_24HJ
            ;config __FBS,         RBS_NO_RAM & BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF        ;xxx boot segment
            ;config __FSS,         RSS_NO_RAM & SSS_NO_FLASH & SWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF        ;xxx secure segment
            ;config __FGS,        GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF                        ;xxx general segment
            ;;config     __FOSCSEL,     FNOSC_FRC & IESO_OFF                                 ;xxx oscillator mode
            ;;config     __FOSC,     FCKSM_CSDCMD & OSCIOFNC_ON & POSCMD_XT                ;xxx clock switching/clock monitor, osc2 & oscillator selection
            config __FOSCSEL, FNOSC_PRI & IESO_OFF                                    ;(***Customized for Xtal 14mhz***)
            config __FOSC, FCKSM_CSDCMD & OSCIOFNC_OFF & POSCMD_HS                    ;(***Customized for Xtal 14mhz***)
            config    __FWDT,        FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF                                ;xxx watchdog
            ;config    __FPOR,        FPWRT_PWR1                                            ;xxx pwm, power-on reset
            ;config    __FICD,        BKBUG_ON & COE_ON & JTAGEN_OFF & ICS_PGD1
        .ifdef    IS_30F
            config     __FOSC,     CSW_FSCM_OFF & FRC_PLL16                            ;xxx oscillator
            config     __FWDT,     WDT_OFF                                                ;xxx watchdog
            config     __FBORPOR,    PBOR_OFF & PWRT_OFF & MCLR_EN                        ;xxx power-on reset, brown-out reset, master clear
            ;config __FGS,         CODE_PROT_OFF & GWRP_OFF                            ;xxx code protection
            config     __FICD,     ICS_PGD                                                ;xxx comm channel select
        .ifdef IS_33FJ
            ;config     __FBS,         RBS_NO_RAM & BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF    ;xxx boot segment
            ;config     __FSS,         RSS_NO_RAM & SSS_NO_FLASH & SWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF    ;xxx secure segment
            ;config    __FGS,        GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF                        ;xxx general segment
            config     __FOSCSEL,     FNOSC_PRIPLL & IESO_OFF                             ;xxx oscillator mode
            config     __FOSC,     FCKSM_CSECMD & OSCIOFNC_ON & POSCMD_XT                ;xxx clock switching/clock monitor, osc2 & oscillator selection
            config    __FWDT,        WDTPOST_PS256 & WDTPRE_PR128 & FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF        ;xxx watchdog
            config    __FPOR,        FPWRT_PWR1                                            ;xxx pwm, power-on reset
            config    __FICD,        JTAGEN_OFF & ICS_PGD1                                ;xxx

; End of file

User Code:
; Title:            ds30 Loader for PIC24 and dsPIC
; File description:    user init and exit code
; Copyright:         Copyright © 2011, Mikael Gustafsson

;    This file is part of ds30 Loader.
;    ds30 Loader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;    the Free Software Foundation.
;    ds30 Loader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;    GNU General Public License for more details.
;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;    along with ds30 Loader. If not, see <>.

; UserInit()
; Description: this is executed immediately on start-up before the boot loader code
        .macro UserInit
                ;Input output config
                mov #0b0000000000001111,W0
                mov W0, TRISA
                mov #0b1111000101000000,W0
                mov W0, TRISB
                mov #0b0000001111000000,W0
                mov W0, TRISC
                ;set up analog or digital inputs on the pins
                mov #0b110000111111100,W0
                mov W0, AD1PCFGL
            ; Make uart pins digital
            .ifdecl ADPCFGL                
                ;.error "Do you need to configure communication pins to be digital? If not, remove this line"
                .ifdecl AD1PCFGL
                    .error "Do you need to configure communication pins to be digital? If not, remove this line"
            ; UART/CAN pps config
            .ifdef HAS_PPS
                ;.error "PPS is not configured. More information in the firmware manual."            ;xxx remove this line when PPS is configured                        
                ; ** IMPORTANT **
                ; ** IMPORTANT **
                ; Receive, map pin (14 = 1110) to uart ;(***Customized for RP22***)
                bclr    RPINR18, #U1RXR0        ;xxx
                bset    RPINR18, #U1RXR1        ;xxx
                bset    RPINR18, #U1RXR2        ;xxx
                bclr    RPINR18, #U1RXR3        ;xxx
                bset    RPINR18, #U1RXR4        ;xxx
                ; Transmit, map uart to pin ;(***Customized for RP7***)
                bset    RPOR7, #RP15R0            ;xxx
                bset    RPOR7, #RP15R1            ;xxx
                bset    RPOR7, #RP15R2            ;xxx
                bclr    RPOR7, #RP15R3            ;xxx
                bclr    RPOR7, #RP15R4            ;xxx    

        ; End of macro
; UserExit()
; Description: this is executed right before the user application is loadaed
        .macro UserExit
        ; End of macro

; End of file

Thanks for reading Mikael, going bald from scratching my head...

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Messages In This Thread
PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue [solved] - by Rigor69 - 2012-09-06, 14:59:01
RE: PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue - by Rigor69 - 2012-09-09, 16:04:40
RE: PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue - by Rigor69 - 2012-09-10, 17:15:28
RE: PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue - by Rigor69 - 2012-09-11, 13:34:43
RE: PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue - by Rigor69 - 2012-09-12, 08:48:29
RE: PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue - by Rigor69 - 2012-09-12, 13:31:24
RE: PIC24HJ16GP304 loader issue [solved] - by dinotronics - 2014-05-07, 11:20:54

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